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Technical skills⚓︎

Documentation tools⚓︎

Static site generators⚓︎

  • MkDocs
  • VuePress
  • Sphinx
  • Jekyll

Structured authoring⚓︎

  • MadCap Flare
  • Paligo

Other documentation platforms⚓︎

  • Confluence
  • GitBook

Markup languages⚓︎

  • Markdown
  • reStructuredText
  • YAML
  • JSON
  • HTML
  • CSS

Cloud computing technologies⚓︎

Cloud providers⚓︎

  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud


  • HashiCorp Terraform
  • AWS CloudFormation

Development tools⚓︎

Version control⚓︎

  • Git
  • GitHub

Programming languages⚓︎

  • Rego
  • Python

API clients and specs⚓︎

  • Postman
  • curl
  • HTTPie
  • OpenAPI/Swagger


  • CircleCI
  • Travis CI
  • GitHub Actions

Multimedia tools⚓︎

  • Camtasia
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Photoshop